Home - Partners for Access: ADA Disability Access, Consulting and Support
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Pfa Scope of Services
PfA provides consulting; technical support and personnel training in enhancing ADA required access to facilities, parks, playgrounds, programs and services. We also provide assistance to employers and employees to resolve ADA access issues.
The following is a brief description of these services:
I. Survey of Sites and Facilities (self-evaluation survey).
Project consultants visit all facilities owned and operated by the Client. A detailed survey is prepared for each site. These surveys identify the problem areas that might limit ADA required access to the facility, as well as to its programs, activities and services for people with physical, and/or sensory disabilities.
II. Prepare Recommendations and Action Plan

A detailed list of recommended action steps needed to provide physical and/or programmatic access to each problem area identified by the survey is developed.

Each recommended action step is prioritized based on the four priorities for barrier removal identified by the U.S. Department of Justice. These are:

  • Entry,
  • Access to goods and services,
  • Restrooms,
  • other access.

Some of these modifications may be as simple as the development of appropriate signage, directing people with disabilities to an accessible entrance, the location of an accessible lavatory, a TTY pay phone, or how to obtain an Assistive Listening Device. Other modifications may require the construction of a ramp, the installation of a lift, or the remodeling of a lavatory or doorway. Providing access to existing programs and services may also be achieved by nonstructural methods such as moving the program or service to an accessible location.

III. Review of architectural plans.
Project staff conduct a detailed review of architectural plans in various stages of development. The focus of this review is on compliance with the ADA, DOJ, FTA and State and local law relating to access for people with disabilities.
IV. Implementation

The PfA team can assist in all phases of program or project development from concept to the ribbon cutting and beyond. This may include initial and ongoing in-service awareness training programs for administration and staff and the development and operation of advisory committees.

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"Enhancing access for people with disabilities is the law and is the right thing to do."
All Material Copyright © 2002 - Partners for Access, L.L.C.
Joel D. Ziev, Ed.D.
Partners for Access, L.L.C.
17 North Plandome Road    
Port Washington, New York 11050
Voice - (516) 767-2813 * Fax - (516) 767-2841
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